We are not a reporting entity for the purpose of the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) and this statement has not been submitted to the Australian Border Force.
Telectran opposes slavery in all its forms and we believe all businesses big and small have a part to play in its eradication. Modern slavery can be present in every industry and sector. We are committed to taking all practical steps within our control to ensure there is no modern slavery in our supply chain or any part of our business.
It is with this in mind that we commit to operating our business ethically and responsibly to safeguard human rights and ensure sustainable business practices. We expect our suppliers and customers to share these values and strive to ensure we all meet the required standards and the expectations of our community.
Our imports consist of components and finished goods sourced predominately from China but also from Taiwan, Japan and Germany.
Our local supply chain includes Australian manufacturers and wholesalers, some of whom are also importers.
We strive to ensure these suppliers are aware of the standards and have the same commitment as we do to promoting ethical practices throughout their business and supply chains.
We have identified the following risks which may be present in operations either directly or indirectly through our activities or relationships:Non-compliance with OH&S standards, a minimum living wage, and other basic human rights can lead to modern slavery.
Non-compliance with ethical sourcing and sustainable business practices.
We believe a key issue is suppliers who are focused solely on minimizing production costs.
To identify and mitigate risk we have the following systems in place:
Modern Slavery Policy.
We have a policy that sets our objectives and the mechanisms by which we aim to achieve them.
Supplier Engagement and Evaluation Policy.
We expect suppliers to have the same commitment as we do and as such we have a process in place for the engagement and ongoing evaluation of all suppliers in high-risk areas to ensure our best efforts are made to only work with companies that share our values.
Where possible we ask suppliers to provide evidence of ethical sourcing such as FSC certification for timber products.
Assessing the Effectiveness of our Actions.
Periodic review of our modern slavery policy and associated policies and procedures.
1. Communicating and interacting with our suppliers.
2. Visits to overseas suppliers and factory inspections.
Due to government travel restrictions, it will not be possible to make overseas supplier visits this year.
When these can resume remains unknown.
We continue to interact with our foreign suppliers on a regular basis and will not engage new suppliers until such time that travel becomes possible.